First of all..

I think you are here because you are looking for an extra monthly income.

What would you choose?

To make money fast with high risk losing them? 


To make money taking your time with almost zero risk?

Try to raise your account at least 30% each month.

This is something you can manage.


Account 1000$

1/2014    1300$
2/2014    1690$
3/2014    2197$
4/2014    2856$
5/2014    3713$
6/2014    4827$
7/2014    6275$
8/2014    8157$
9/2014    10605$
10/2014    13786$
11/2014    17922$
12/2014    23298$
Do you want me to continue?

Think yourself. Only 30% raise your account.

The system below can help you to manage your account better.

Can you imagine to raise your account 40% more than previous month for a year?

Account 1000$

12/2014         56694$

Now let’s move to
the system that Trading Manager supports, and worked for a lot of people to make extra money.
If you don't know how the binary options work,
 click the Simulator to understand what we are talking about.


How Trading Manager works?

Trading Manager is a windows application that helps the traders in binary options to manage their trading account and keep their profits in high levels.
But how is that possible?
Below you are going to see a scenario of managing your trading account step by step. That kind of scenarios you may experience while trading. But you are talking about money and you don't want to fail.
The application is based on a smart system of managing your trading account.
Which is the rule?
Split your account in 3 parts and work only with the 1st part.
And why you call this smart?
Because whatever is going to happen, you will know that you lose only the 1/3 of your account.
So, you may earn a lot of money, but you have to manage everything with discipline.
You will succeed if you have a method,
 and manage your trading account with discipline.
Now, the Trading Manager application makes everything for you.
Look at the screenshot below.

As you can see, the application helps you to record every investment you make in binary options.
So, let's say that you have 1000 dollars or euros or whatever currency you work with, in your trading platform.
The part you work with is your "Available Bank" and the application doesn't let you work with the others even if you want to. Meaning that is trying to keep a discipline at your trading.
The key is that your 2/3 of your total bank is safe.
Now,at your trading platform you invest 10$ in a "PUT" and you lose.
You have to record the investment by filling 10$ in "your investment " box and press the button "LOST"
As you can see, your lost investment has been recorded, and your lost money reduces your total bank and only the available part of your bank.
Now let's assume that at your trading platform you are sure about a trade of a 77% win rate (you change the win rate to 77%), and you invest 50 $ in a "CALL" and you win.
You fill in "Your investment" box 50 and press the "WIN" button.
See below what is going to happen...
Now your available bank (and of course your total bank too) has been raised with a profit of 38,5$, as the investments table shows.
Whenever you make a mistake, you can press "UNDO" to reset your last action.
If you feel that you reach a target that you made from the beginning
(a target is to double the available bank, or to raise it by 100$, or anything you want)
you can split your total bank again, and make new 3 parts.
The greatest part is that the 2/3 of your earnings are going to be safe now because only the 1/3 is added to your available bank.
Let's do it now. Assuming that you won 100$ more, you split your total bank and we have the screenshot below.
As you see, the difference is that you keep in safe, a bigger part of your trading account.
And this is the most important thing if you follow a progressive system of trading.
But what do we mean by follow a progressive system of trading?
A lot of trading systems are advertised and followed, and some are working but other not. You have to be lucky sometimes. And that is not because they don't work, but because you start to invest a lot of money after
some successful results.
Let me explain. Have you heard about "The Trader in Pajamas" or the "Smart Profit System" that Dan Anderson designed and follows with success?
Great and profitable systems that you can follow. 
These systems are based on investing in binary options following a rule.
To invest in the same next trade an amount of money that can give you back all of your previous loses in a row and the profit that you designed from the beginning.
This is going to happen for 4 times in a row depending the "Sentiment Trade Tool" of the trading platform.
The statistics show that is not too often for the most of the Traders to lose 4 times in a row that the "Sentiment Trade Tool" proposes.

Beside you can see the Traders Sentiment Tool. This tool shows that the most Traders (65% of them) would choose to “CALL”, investing their money that the exchange rate between EUR/USD will rise in the next 30 Minutes. The target is to raise their money by 75%.
Now it's time to use Trading Manager.

The application that proposes the max investment you can do.
Max investment depending what?
Depending only your available bank.
Whatever happen, your 2/3 of your bank is going to be safe.
First of all, enable the "Progressive System Enabled"
Choose the progressive steps you want to follow and the win rate of the trade.
Try to choose 4 steps to low the risk.
You will see the max investment you can make.
You see that the proposed max investment is 18,15$. Not 32,47$.
Let's follow the previous scenario step by step depending what the application proposes, and spliting your bank after any win.
You can see in every picture, the recorded investments.
1 77% 18,15$ WIN 13,98$ 1142,49$
2 77% 18,37$ LOSE -18,37$ 1124,12$
3 77% 42,23$ WIN 74,75$ 1156,64$

4 77% 18,60$ LOSE -18,60$ 1138,04$
5 77% 42,75$ LOSE -42,75$ 1095,29$
Now you have 2 streak loses and you continue.
You cannot disable the progression system or change the progressive steps, unless you decide to stop the progression manually.
The next proposed max investment is 98,28$.We follow the scenario exactly in the same way.

6 77% 98,28$ WIN 173,96$ 1170,97$
We split and continue.
Until now, you have won 3 progresses which means you have earned 42,46$
Remember to follow a very useful method.
It doesn't need to make money fast, but to make money.
Try to raise your account 30% each month.
Account 1000$
1/2014         1300$
2/2014         1690$
3/2014         2197$
4/2014         2856$
5/2014         3713$
6/2014         4827$
7/2014         6275$
8/2014         8157$
9/2014       10605$
10/2014     13786$
11/2014     17922$
12/2014     23298$
Do you want me to continue?
Think yourself. Only 30% raise your account.
The Trading Manager is going to help you for this.
Follow the step by step guide below.


To start, follow the steps below:
First Step: Register to a trading platform. We suggest a reliable platform like Stockpair. Click the banner above to earn a 50% bonus and 2 risk free trades.
Second step: Download the application and install it using this serial number. 
Third Step: Make a deposit in your Stockpair platform account if you didn't already).
​Fourth Step: Run the application and create a new personal file.
Last Step: Record the deposit you made, and you are ready.
Sychronize your trades in the platform by recording everything in the application.
Congratulations. You are ready to make money. Be patient and discipline. Success is coming.
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